I know that others have written on this subject, but I needed to add my 2 shekels. You won’t see any pictures of this visit, as you can imagine that this facility is sensitive. However, you will see a few of my pictures on various other days – along with my fellow CAARI travelers!
We walked through a huge hanger/warehouse at the Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) facility filled with all shapes and sizes of UAV’s. We were astonished at this various aircraft in varying stages of readiness to be delivered to customers around the world. We observed 2 group of men in white lab coats clustered around 2 air crafts. We were hold these people were being trained to use the equipment. What pride we felt observing these high tech devices. As Anice Stark from Canada said – “Our coordinator, Susan Horwitz, and guide, Neil Eisenstadt, are always looking for new and exciting places for us to see. They came up with a good one – Israel Aircraft Industries!”
In addition to touring, I work in the mornings at one of the local elementary schools, which means I get to walk to work!!! It takes about 20 minutes, down Allenby Street. So…there I am with all the other Israelis going to work. This school has a different approach than some of the schools I have previously volunteered. They want to expose many students to an “English speaker” so each class is a different group of students with various levels of English. The other day we wrote to a letter to congratulate President Obama. I was impressed with their knowledge of what is happening in the USA – with the Obamas and that the two daughters want a dog! They wrote him that they want peace not only for Israel, but the world!
Love to family and friends,
Susan Stock
(Small world – Susan Horwitz, our coordinator, and I have something in common – we both have sisters that are involved with Etz Hadar Congregation in Redlands, CA – this is a small Jewish world!