This morning we checked out of our hotel, loaded the bus and got the bus on the road!  A short drive to our first stop – Masada – the rugged, majestic fortress built by King Herod, which overlooks the Dead Sea. There are 3 ways to ascend this dramatic mountain fortress – most take the cable car, others, climb the steps of the steep narrow ‘snake’ path, usually done by ‘youth’, and those more adventurous, take the ‘runners path’ around the mountain.  No challenge is too great for CAARI as three of our hearty participants, Georgina, Mark and Joel, climbed the ‘snake’ path!   Kol Ha Kavod! 
Once on the top of the mountain, our Josephus (Neil) explained the amazing construction done by King Herod, much which is preserved today and uncovered by one of Israel’s leading archeologists: Yigal Yadin and Prof. Ehud Netzer.  We toured the Western Palace, with stunning mosaic tile floors and viewed the Northern Palace where Herod built elaborate bath facilities.   Neil explained the sophisticated water systems which collected run-off water from a single day’s rain.

The other story of Masada is the final stand between the Jewish rebels and the Roman army.  The rebels choose to commit mass suicide rather than be captured and enslaved by the Romans.  The camps, fortifications and attack ramp that encircle the monument constitute the most complete Roman siege.
Back down the mountain – all by cable car – lunch and on to Jerusalem.  The weather reports were ominous – with snow predicted for the evening.  Although it was raining, we made a VERY short stop for a view of the Old City and a quick stop at the Western Wall before getting to our hotel.  
Susan and Neil said if we get snowed in – it will be a first for CAARI!  We will see!  Enjoy the pictures!

CAARI 2015 

The Canadian American Active Retirees in Israel, CAARI, offers active seniors a unique opportunity to experience Israel. The program is designed to explore the biblical landscapes, follow the footsteps of the early pioneers, and envision the future of our Homeland. The CAARI Program includes community service, toursa speakers forum and the camaraderie of the CAARI Family. The Program is designed for to feel, touch, hear and see Israel from the mountains to the desert, from sea to sea, and from ancient to modern.

Contact Us at: [email protected]

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