
Thursday was our first full day in Jerusalem. First stop, Yad Lakashish – a non-profit community agency founded in 1962 – called a Lifeline for the Elderly – we would prefer that they use the term ‘seniors’! The philosophy of this organization is based on the idea that purposeful recreation and activities of self-help can the elderly and disabled lead a life of meaning and dignity. Over a hundred “seniors” from varied ethnic and social backgrounds, speaking many languages, including immigrants from the former Soviet Union, Ethiopia and South America now have a reason to get up in the morning and a place to go to share their artistic talents in a productive and meaningful way. All workers receive a small stipend for their work and benefit from a wide-ranging social support network.
The Program director took us through the various workshops (where we had an opportunity to see their creative work. We also got a chance to speak with the participants – did you know that our group is multi-lingual? Mark was speaking Spanish to a woman from South America, Nettie spoke French to another person, Bernie and Sonny were conversing in Yiddish, Noami in Hebrew and the rest of us in English! What a treat for us! Not to mention – that we had a chance to purchase some of the original works of art!
Our next stop, was the Russian Compound in a place known as the Prison Museum of`Underground Organizations. This was constructed in 1858 as a hostel for Russian Pilgrims. During the British Mandate Period it was used a prison for both criminal and political prisoners – those that fought for the Hagana, the Etzel and Irgun. We heard interesting stories about their who they were, what they did and why they were there. We toured their reconstructed cells, kitchen, workshops – we saw how they lived. Our exceptional guide told us about the Rabbi Aryeh Levin (known as the father of the prisoners)who would come every week to meet with the prisoners and how he brought comfort to their lives. And…of course the famous story of Meir Feinstein and Moshe Barazani. This is a place not to be missed!
Our lunch place was the Machane Yehuda Market – one of the busiest places in Jerusalem on a Thursday afternoon – you can buy ANYTHING and for a good price! The vegetables and fruits are gorgeous and tasty – not to mention the halva – one of CAARI’s favorites. In the evening Davna, from KKL, spoke to us about the land issues in Israel. We are looking forward to a free day on Friday to wander around the city, shop, eat and enjoy the ambience of Jerusalem!
Shabbat Shalom,
Your CAARI friends!