Written and photographed by Nahum Eisenstadt
Our next stop was the Yotvatah dairy that is famous for its chocolate milk and dairy products from the early 1960’s. It was the first kibbutz in the Southern Arava. Our guide Danny, explained about the kibbutz and how it has adapted to the needs of today. The first picture shows the first CAARI arrivals taking a well deserved break at the Pundak (Inn) at Yotvatah for shopping lunch and washrooms, posing with the local cows.
The bottom picture shows the dairy in the background and CAARI finished seeing the cows being milked. The middle picture shows the CAARI group in Eilat above them the cows tushes on the carosel that rotates slowly while the cows are hooked up to milking machines that imiditely process the milk into the many of the well know Yotvatah dairy products in Israel.