Friday, the beginning of the weekend in Israel. It is a gorgeous day for a ‘tiul” (Hebrew for tour) We drove north, along the coast, to the charming village of Zichron Ya’acov, one of the communities founded by Baron Rothschild in the 1800’s.
Our trip is a tour of Ramat Hanadiv – Gardens and Nature Park – which is over an area of about 450 hectares, dedicated to the memory of Baron Edmond de Rothschild. The tour began with a movie about the Baron and the family in relation to the founding of Zichron Yaacov. From there, we began our stroll through the various gardens, including the lovely rose garden, majestic palm garden, the fragrant herb garden and the modest crypt of the Baron and his wife. These exquisite Gardens reflect the Baron de Rothschild’s legacy of dignity and modesty.
From there we drove the village and enjoyed lunch and a little shopping. Lovely day. Wishing all a Shabbat Shalom. Enjoy ‘strolling’ through our pictures.