Greetings from Tiberias!What could be more lovely than the sun coming up over the Kinneret? Today we spent the day in the Golan. Our drive was so picturesque – driving up, up and up with views of the green lush valley, the blue Lake Kinneret, flowering trees and colorful wild flowers along the roadside. Our first stop was at a moshav with Shimon, the shofar maker. He told us how he became a shofar maker and the ‘fine’ art of shofar making beginning with how he gets the horn and the different types of shofars. Now, he could blow a shofar! Both Susan and Neil did a pretty good job, but they didn’t quite have Shimon’s technique. A few of us bought shofars and we will all remember this special visit. From there we visited a small Golan artist community. In the afternoon, we stopped at the ancient restored village of Korazin before the special tour of JNF’s Agmon Hula. This is the area where millions birds, including the cranes stop to ‘refuel’ on their way to Russia, Europe and Scandinavia for their summer stay! All of us boarded a wagon for a drive through the fields to get a close view of the cranes – not just a view, but you could also hear them! it was quite the site especially with the backdrop of the snow-capped Mt. Hermon. Dinner was at the charming Dborvin Farm followed by a overview of the “Northern Situation” the IDF Liaison. What a day!
Enjoy all the pictures!
CAARI 2012 .