CAARI visits Weizmann House by Rosalie Whitehill

Today, Monday, it was back to school…..which is really the best part of the trip for me, even though we are seeing so many wonderful things with superb guides……..the smiles, hugs, and loving expressions of the kids is priceless!!!!
After lunch, we visited the home of Today, Monday, it was back to school…..which is really the best part of the trip for me, even though we are seeing so many wonderful things with superb guides……..the smiles, hugs, and loving expressions of the kids is priceless!!!!
After lunch, we visited the home of Chaim Weizmann,first President of Israel. It is an absolutely palatial home, by any Israeli standard…..even today!!  Weizman was so special in so many ways……too numerous to write now…..and for those who want to know more, I again recommend Google, or I will fill in details when I am back.  Our guide was better than wonderful, a former New Yorker, who was full of facts and fun and spoke of how great living in Rehovoth was (that is where Molly Orens  (a Lasell resident) who winters in Israel every year stays).  It is about a 20 minute drive south from Tel Aviv.
Wishing you all warmth, and wellness, and happiness, too!!!

The Canadian American Active Retirees in Israel, CAARI, offers active seniors a unique opportunity to experience Israel. The program is designed to explore the biblical landscapes, follow the footsteps of the early pioneers, and envision the future of our Homeland. The CAARI Program includes community service, toursa speakers forum and the camaraderie of the CAARI Family. The Program is designed for to feel, touch, hear and see Israel from the mountains to the desert, from sea to sea, and from ancient to modern.

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