Hi Everyone:
Last night after a great Shabbat dinner—–besides all the regular goodies like chicken soup with noodles, gefilte fish, chopped liver, chalah, wine, all the regular salads, we also had poached salmon, sushi, stuffed peppers, stuffed chicken breasts–now you know why I come home schlepping extra pounds—-anyway, after that feast we went to our regular Friday night Oneg Shabbat.
We talked about good things that we experiences since our arrival in Israel and Marion and I talked out last week’s Shabbat service at Beit Daniel where we were called for an Aliyah and witnessed all the lovely Phillipino women who were up on the bimah celebrating their conversion.  (See last Shaabbat’s email)
We spoke so enthusiastically about the experience that five women wanted to come this morning.    So off we went in 2 cabs (we walk home but too much of a rush to walk there) and this week we were treated to a BarMitzvah. The extended family is large as seen by the happy cousins and aunts and uncles who went up for Aliyahs as well as the parents, grandparents and sister and brother.  It was so beautiful to watch.  And this week there was a lovely young man playing the guitar and the music made the service even more special.
Of course we din’t understand one word of the service but being Reform, I was able to follow the Siddur  and the rabbi and cantor told us the pages quite often.  But when I really missed not knowing Hebrew was when  the Bar Mitzvah made a speech as well as his sister and brother and parents.  They spoke so well (Larry and Cheryl–where are you when I need you).  And the mother and the guitarist and the Bar Mitzvah sang a beautiful song on their own.  It was such a wonderful morning and when we spoke to the family afterwards and mazel toved them, they thanked us for coming.  
I spoke to the guitarist.  He is from the Beit Daniel congregation in Jaffa.  His English is perfect.  He was born in America, came here at six and said they spoke English at home so as not to lose the language.
What a wonderful morning—-and now we have to pack because we leave Tel Aviv tomorrow at 8.  Up ward and onward, or in this case, downward and onward as we are traveling south to Mitzpe Ramon.

Love to all,
Mom/ Joyce   

Pictures to follow. 

The Canadian American Active Retirees in Israel, CAARI, offers active seniors a unique opportunity to experience Israel. The program is designed to explore the biblical landscapes, follow the footsteps of the early pioneers, and envision the future of our Homeland. The CAARI Program includes community service, toursa speakers forum and the camaraderie of the CAARI Family. The Program is designed for to feel, touch, hear and see Israel from the mountains to the desert, from sea to sea, and from ancient to modern.

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Links: Jewish National Fund USA : https://www.jnf.org/