“Our days with CAARI” by Joan Hulkower, Port Washington, NY
Shalom from Joan and Bernie. This is our 7th time with CAARI and our 5th consecutive year! We are always amazed at how many different places we see and visit. Susan and Neil always manage to find something new and interesting to add to our itinerary. Our time in Eilat was most memorable for our hike in the Shchorit Canyon – 3 ½ hours of hiking, climbing up rocks with wonderful vistas from the top!
Back in Tel Aviv feels like coming home! The Hotel Metropolitan Staff gave us a warm welcome. Joan’s community service is at the long term care hospital – Bernie is at Bal Shem Tov school tutoring elementary kids. He was greeted with such excitement and enthusiasm – as the students remember him from previous years! We have long days – usually up around 6:30 AM – an Israeli breakfast – and either a taxi to community service by 7:30 or a day trip at 8:00. Our days are varied and each is a new experience. Our CAARI group (47 people) can be described as varied, hearty and ready for any kind of activity and….weather! Our nephew, Jan – who is on with us for three weeks – has distinguished himself as the “Scrabble King”. Bernie complains that the Scrabble dictionary is lousy as it includes “dumb” stuff, like musical sounds (do- re- mi…)
We are so happy to have our Port Washington contingent of Rita and Meil Schweitzer and Marilyn Oser with us.
Old City Tour – This week we had a day off from community service for a memorable visit to Jerusalem. It was chilly, some would call it cold – but no rain – that was a blessing for us. We began the day at Mt. of Olives with a view of the Old City – although the clouds interfered with the view – they didn’t dampen our spirits. From there we went to the Kotel and an amazing session at the Davidson Center. If you haven’t experienced the virtual model you don’t know what you are missing! It is always interesting to walk through the Jewish Quarter, visit the historic sites, shop (always can do that) and mingle with Israelis at the coffee places. Tourists are everywhere – what a difference a year makes! A little excitement with Seymour Karpas and his camera – police to the rescue; you will have to ask Seymour and Gloria about this one!

Our day concluded with a delicious dinner at the Jewish Quarter Café before making our way back to Tel Aviv. Tomorrow – community service! Along with community service, tours, lectures and our traditional Oneg Shabbat with Noami Halpern – we are also enjoying Tel Aviv’s culture scene – concerts – music and dance performance – who could ask for a better winter vacation than with JNF’s CAARI program!

The Canadian American Active Retirees in Israel, CAARI, offers active seniors a unique opportunity to experience Israel. The program is designed to explore the biblical landscapes, follow the footsteps of the early pioneers, and envision the future of our Homeland. The CAARI Program includes community service, toursa speakers forum and the camaraderie of the CAARI Family. The Program is designed for to feel, touch, hear and see Israel from the mountains to the desert, from sea to sea, and from ancient to modern.

Contact Us at: [email protected]
Facebook: https://facebook.com/CAARI-Volunteers

Links: Jewish National Fund USA : https://www.jnf.org/